A long pole to aid your weary feet
Those restless feet were once ever so fast
I wondered when it touched the ground
Snowballing public feeling against violence.
One thought, one aim, one plan of action
The dream of a nation bonded in oneness
Dissipate in the war of words and religions
In the power play that sealed the knell.
Shearing roots of feudalism
Shared rice gruel in harijan huts
For to be Indian was to be equal
Chant together the song of oneness.
Change is in the mind not in the land
Divisions are roused when majority claims
Selflessness is lost in the selfishness of greed
Bewildered people gaze and know not why.
You little knew that you had to return
To save a people from colonial bondage
Larceny of priceless spices and stones
Calling it culturing of the uncultured.
You strained to appease the power hungry
You helplessly watched the drawing of the LOC
Cut the body of a nation that went up in flames
Sowing seeds of vengeance and hatred.
Packed trains leaving packed stations
Unknown destinations, families torn apart
Looting and violence, murder and fires
Rend the air to leave scars that never heal.
Your eyes could take in no more
You prayed to the crowd to show tolerance
Intolerance cut down your life of non violence
A victim to the violence you silently sparked.
—Jameela Begum