Clad in Khadi, inspired by swadeshi ideals
Sharp eyes peer at the canopy of the Mangosteen tree
Seeing delicate webs of relationships
The irony and humor of the struggle to live.
Ignite fantasies of the beyond
Mystery pulsating in soft hushed tones
Mixing sensual and ethereal tunes
Emotions overflow high walls within walls.
But only to crumble in a hand
That stretched to give but lost the accepting hand
For walls and walls distance the near
Within or without, prison walls are rigid.
Pathumma tended her goat with love
Fed her with green fodder and rice gruel
Dreamt of the flow of milk to extend
The comforts of her home.
To forsake her dreams for her extended family
For to give one was to give all
To keep alive the circle of human bondage
Partners in the cycle of life.
Me Granddad ‘ad an elephant
So soothing to be drowned in superstitions
To measure out life within four walls
Shutting out strife and turbulence.
To strange lands and variant experiences
Sifting old beliefs and accepting new thoughts
To live with the times, to embrace change
To return and overturn the mini elephant.
In the small village of Vaikom
Breathing life into multiple mindscapes
Placing pawns to ironically ponder
On the paradoxes of life and living.
—Jameela Begum